Close-up of the heel area of a shoe, showing detailed construction and design.

What Is A Heel Slip? How Much Heel Slip Is Normal?

Heel slip is a common issue that many people encounter when wearing new shoes or boots. It can affect both comfort and performance, and understanding how to address it can significantly enhance your overall footwear experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into what heel slip is, why it occurs, how much heel slip is considered normal, and practical steps to prevent or mitigate it.

What Is Heel Slip?

Heel slip refers to the movement of the heel inside the shoe or boot. When you walk or run, your heel may lift or shift within the shoe, creating a gap between your heel and the back of the shoe. This can cause discomfort, affect performance, and sometimes lead to foot injuries.


Why Do Heels Slip Out of the Shoes?

Heel slip can occur due to various reasons, often related to the design, fit, or condition of the footwear. Here are the main factors:

Poor Fitting Shoes

One of the most common causes of heel slip is wearing shoes that do not fit properly. Shoes that are too big or too small can cause your heel to move excessively. Shoes that are too large will allow more movement, while shoes that are too small may cause pressure and discomfort.

Poor Boot Design

Certain designs may not offer sufficient support or a secure fit. For example, boots with a wide heel cup or insufficient padding can contribute to heel slip. The design of the shoe's heel counter (the part of the shoe that wraps around the heel) plays a crucial role in stabilizing the heel.

How Much Heel Slip Is Normal?

The amount of heel slip considered normal can vary based on the type of footwear and the intended activity. Generally, a small amount of heel slip—less than 1/4 inch—is normal in many athletic shoes and boots, especially when they are new and have not yet molded to the shape of your feet. However, excessive heel slip can indicate a poor fit or design flaw and may lead to problems if not addressed.

Does Heel Slipping Bad For You?

Heel slipping can have several implications for your comfort and health. Here’s how it can affect you:

Decreases Performance

In athletic footwear, heel slip can lead to reduced performance. For runners, excessive heel movement can affect the efficiency of your stride and lead to less control over your movements. In sports that require quick direction changes or stability, heel slip can be particularly problematic.

Foot Inflammation

Constant heel movement can cause friction and pressure on the back of your foot, potentially leading to blisters, calluses, or inflammation. Over time, this can become a significant discomfort and may even contribute to conditions like plantar fasciitis.

Movement Mechanics

Proper heel fit is crucial for optimal biomechanics. Heel slip can alter the way your foot strikes the ground and may disrupt the natural alignment and movement patterns, potentially leading to other musculoskeletal issues.

How To Stop Heel Slipping In Shoes?

There are several effective methods to address heel slip and improve the fit and comfort of your shoes or boots. Here are some practical solutions:

Sizing Down

One of the simplest solutions is to try a smaller size if you are between sizes. A more snug fit can help reduce the amount of heel movement. However, make sure the smaller size is not too tight, as this can cause other issues.

Using Lace Lock

Lace lock techniques can help secure your heel in place by adjusting the laces for a tighter fit. This can be particularly effective in athletic shoes. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using a lace lock:


Lace your shoes as you normally would, but leave the top two eyelets untied.


Thread the lace through the top eyelets, creating a loop on each side.


Cross the laces over the top of the shoe, then pull them through the loops you created.


Tighten the laces and tie them securely. This will create a more secure fit around the heel.

Non-slip Socks

Specially designed non-slip socks have grippy materials on the inside that can help prevent your feet from sliding around inside the shoes. These socks can be a simple yet effective solution to reduce heel slip.

Toe Pads

Toe pads can help by filling extra space inside the shoe, which can provide a snugger fit and reduce heel slip. They can be particularly useful if your shoe is slightly too large.

Heel Pads For Boots

Heel pads are designed to cushion the heel area and create a better fit by reducing the gap between your heel and the back of the shoe. These pads come in various sizes and materials and can be placed inside the heel cup of your boots.


Custom or padded insoles can improve the fit of your shoes by providing additional cushioning and support. Insoles that are designed to mold to the shape of your foot can help reduce heel movement and enhance overall comfort.


FAQs – How Much Heel Slip Is Normal

How can I tell if heel slip is too much?

If you experience more than 1/4 inch of heel movement or if the slipping causes discomfort or blisters, it may be too much. You should also consider if the slip affects your walking or running performance.

Can heel slip cause foot injuries?

Yes, excessive heel slip can lead to friction and pressure, which may result in blisters, calluses, or other foot injuries. It can also contribute to issues such as plantar fasciitis over time.

Is heel slip different in athletic shoes versus boots?

Yes, heel slip can be more noticeable in athletic shoes due to their design and the high level of movement involved. In boots, heel slip can affect stability and comfort more significantly, especially if the boots are designed for heavy-duty use.


Heel slip is a common issue that can impact both comfort and performance. By understanding the causes of heel slip and the practical solutions available, you can take steps to ensure a better fit and enhance your overall footwear experience. Whether through adjusting sizing, using lace locks, or incorporating various pads and insoles, addressing heel slip can help you achieve a more comfortable and supportive fit, ultimately improving your performance and preventing potential foot issues.

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